#@(#) $Revision$ ############################################################################## # # ZX3IOBENCH - Database I/O benchmark for SAFE X3 based software # # Adapted by Bertrand LETEMPLIER from YCALCUL (Version V3) test program # initially written by Réné LEVESQUE and modified by many people :). # ############################################################################## # Version: V2.1 - Date: 2016-04-07 ############################################################################## # History # * V1.0 : Transpose YCALCUL # * V1.1 to V1.3: Enhance: # - add millisecond metering # - add new metering indexes (keep LEGACY for comparison with YCALCUL) # - add technical information on servers, version, etc.. # - beautify output # * V2.0: Adapt to U9 # - Due to trace buffering : add 'Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN' # where needed to be able to monitor trace file in real time # * V2.1: Structural changes # - Reorganize code with functions # - Launch a first reading loop on all tables to populate database cache # not taken into account while metering time. ############################################################################## # Save version and date for this program for display Local Char PROGVERS(10), PROGDATE(10) PROGVERS = "V2.1" PROGDATE = "2016-04-07" # Retrieve some technical parameters. # # Runtime version Local Char RUNTIMEVERS(20) Local Integer RUNTIMEDBOPTIM RUNTIMEVERS = func AFNC.PARTSEP(ver$(0),2," ") If (RUNTIMEVERS >= "16r.216") # Runtime database optimization (adxftl, adxwrb) after version 16r.216 (X3 V6) RUNTIMEDBOPTIM = 1 Else RUNTIMEDBOPTIM = 0 Endif # Manage adxftl only if relevant runtime version If (RUNTIMEDBOPTIM = 1) Local Integer ADXFTLBAK :#### For saving adxftl ADXFTLBAK = adxftl :#### Save current adxftl value (should be something like 20) ADXFTL = 20 :#### So you can vary adxftl value for this benchmark Endif # Variables for printing nice spacer lines in trace Local Char SPACERLINE1(80), SPACERLINE2(80), SPACERLINE3(80) SPACERLINE1 = string$(78, "#") SPACERLINE2 = string$(78, "=") SPACERLINE3 = string$(78, "-") GTRACE="A" # For timestamping in seconds Local Integer STARTTIME, ENDTIME, DIFFTIME, TOTALTIME # For timestamping in milliseconds Local Decimal STARTMSECS, ENDMSECS, DIFFMSECS, TOTALMSECS Local Decimal ATEXTEREADMSECS, GLOBREADMSECS, WRITEMSECS, ERASEMSECS # For # of records Local Integer N1, TSTNBREC TSTNBREC = 100000 :#### This is the number of loops that will be run on tables Call OUVRE_TRACE("* SAFE X3 DATABASE I/O BENCHMARK *") From LECFIC # Retrieve hostnames for application server, runtime server and client # APPHOSTNAME = adxmac(0) RUNHOSTNAME = adxmac(-1) CLIHOSTNAME = adxmac(-2) If (APPHOSTNAME = "") # Empty adxmac(0) means that the application server # is the same as the runtime server (weird behavior of adxmac()). APPHOSTNAME = RUNHOSTNAME Endif Call ECR_TRACE(SPACERLINE1, 0) from GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE("# SAFE X3 DATABASE I/O BENCHMARK version"-PROGVERS-"-"-PROGDATE, 0) From GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE(SPACERLINE1, 0) from GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE("# Hostnames for benchmark:", 0) from GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE("# - Application server : '" + APPHOSTNAME + "'", 0) from GESECRAN call ECR_TRACE("# - Runtime server : '" + RUNHOSTNAME + "'", 0) from GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE("# - Client workstation : '" + CLIHOSTNAME + "'", 0) from GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE("# Runtime engine version: '" + RUNTIMEVERS + "'", 0) From GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE("# Runtime server ADXDIR : '" + "|" + adxdir + "|" + "'", 0) From GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE("# Folder name : '" + nomap + "'", 0) From GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN If (RUNTIMEDBOPTIM = 1) Call ECR_TRACE("# Origin ADXFTL =" - num$(ADXFTLBAK) - "# ADXFTL for test =" - num$(ADXFTL), 0) From GESECRAN Endif Call ECR_TRACE("# Number of read/write/delete operations:" - num$(TSTNBREC), 0) From GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE(SPACERLINE1, 0) from GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE("SAFE X3 DATABASE I/O BENCHMARK START:" - time$,0) From GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE(SPACERLINE1, 0) from GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN Local Char TSTTABLE(20)(1..5),CURRTABLE TSTTABLE(1) = "ATEXTE" TSTTABLE(2) = "APLSTD" TSTTABLE(3) = "POSCOD" TSTTABLE(4) = "ADOCUMENT" TSTTABLE(5) = "ATEXTRA" ######################################################## #### Atomic Read test #1 to populate database cache #### ######################################################## Call ECR_TRACE("# ATOMIC READ TEST #1 for populating database buffers.",0) From GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE(SPACERLINE2, 0) from GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN Gosub READTEST Call ECR_TRACE(SPACERLINE2, 0) from GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN ##################################################### #### Atomic Read test #2 to collect time metrics #### ##################################################### TOTALTIME = 0 TOTALMSECS = 0 Call ECR_TRACE("# ATOMIC READ TEST #2 for collecting metrics.",0) From GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE(SPACERLINE2, 0) from GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN Gosub READTEST Call ECR_TRACE(SPACERLINE2, 0) from GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN TOTALTIME += DIFFTIME TOTALMSECS += DIFFMSECS # Save global read index in seconds and milliseconds GLOBREADTIME = TOTALTIME GLOBREADMSECS = TOTALMSECS ################################################### #### Create test table for writing and erasing #### ################################################### Call ECR_TRACE("# CREATE TEST TABLE",0) From GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE(SPACERLINE2, 0) from GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN Gosub CREATETESTTABLE Call ECR_TRACE(SPACERLINE2, 0) from GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN ########################### #### Atomic Write test #### ########################### Call ECR_TRACE("# ATOMIC WRITE TEST",0) From GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE(SPACERLINE2, 0) from GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN Gosub WRITETEST Call ECR_TRACE(SPACERLINE2, 0) from GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN TOTALTIME += DIFFTIME TOTALMSECS += DIFFMSECS # Compute write index by removing ATEXTE read time WRITEMSECS = DIFFMSECS - ATEXTEREADMSECS ########################### #### Atomic Erase test #### ########################### Call ECR_TRACE("# ATOMIC ERASE TEST",0) From GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE(SPACERLINE2, 0) from GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN Gosub ERASETEST Call ECR_TRACE(SPACERLINE2, 0) from GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN TOTALTIME += DIFFTIME TOTALMSECS += DIFFMSECS # Compute erase index by removing ATEXTE read time ERASEMSECS = DIFFMSECS - ATEXTEREADMSECS ########################### #### Delete test table #### ########################### Call ECR_TRACE("# DELETE TEST TABLE",0) From GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE(SPACERLINE2, 0) from GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN Gosub DELETETESTTABLE ########################### #### Global exit point #### ########################### $EXITPOINT Close File [ATB],[ATZ],[ATI] If (RUNTIMEDBOPTIM = 1) ADXFTL = ADXFTLBAK #### Reset adxftl to origin value if changed Endif Call ECR_TRACE("", 0) from GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE(SPACERLINE1, 0) from GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE("SAFE X3 DATABASE I/O BENCHMARK END :" - time$, 0) From GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE("- LEGACY PERFORMANCE INDEX:" - num$(TOTALTIME) - "seconds /" - num$(TOTALMSECS) - "milliseconds.", 0) From GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE("- NEW READ PERFORMANCE INDEX:" - num$(GLOBREADMSECS) - "milliseconds.", 0) From GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE("- NEW WRITE PERFORMANCE INDEX:" - num$(WRITEMSECS) - "milliseconds.", 0) From GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE("- NEW ERASE PERFORMANCE INDEX:" - num$(ERASEMSECS) - "milliseconds.", 0) From GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE("- NEW GLOBAL PERFORMANCE INDEX:" - num$(GLOBREADMSECS+WRITEMSECS+ERASEMSECS) - "milliseconds.", 0) From GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE(SPACERLINE1, 0) from GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN Call FERME_TRACE From LECFIC GBIDC1=" " Call LEC_TRACE From LECFIC End ####################################################################### ## End of main body ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ## Read multiple tables test subprogram ####################################################################### $READTEST Local Char CURRTABLE STARTTIME = time STARTMSECS = val(timestamp$) # Loop read test on 5 different tables For I = 1 To 5 CURRTABLE = nomap + "." + TSTTABLE(I) Local File =CURRTABLE [TBL] N1 = 0 Call ECR_TRACE("Execute atomic read loop on table" - TSTTABLE(I) + ":", 0) From GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE("- Start:" - time$, 0) From GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN THISTABLESTARTTIME = time THISTABLESTARTMSECS = val(timestamp$) For [F] N1 += 1 If N1 >= TSTNBREC Break Endif Next ENDTIME = time ENDMSECS = val(timestamp$) THISTABLEDIFFTIME = ENDTIME - THISTABLESTARTTIME THISTABLEDIFFMSECS = ENDMSECS - THISTABLESTARTMSECS Call ECR_TRACE("- End :" - time$ - "-" - num$(N1) - "records read in" - num$(THISTABLEDIFFTIME) - "secs /" - num$(THISTABLEDIFFMSECS) - "msecs.", 0) From GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN Close File [TBL] If TSTTABLE(I) = "ATEXTE" ATEXTEREADMSECS = THISTABLEDIFFMSECS Endif Next ENDTIME = time ENDMSECS = val(timestamp$) DIFFTIME = ENDTIME - STARTTIME DIFFMSECS = ENDMSECS - STARTMSECS Return ####################################################################### ## End of READTEST subprogram ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ## Create test table subprogram ####################################################################### $CREATETESTTABLE Local File ATABLE, ATABZON, ATABIND Call ECR_TRACE("Create table YYYYY with same structure as ATEXTE:", 0) From GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN Read [ATB]CODFIC = "YYYYY" If fstat = 0 Call ECR_TRACE("A table named YYYYY already exists. Write/Erase test cannot be performed.", 1) From GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN Goto EXITPOINT Endif Read [ATB]ABRFIC = "YYY" If fstat = 0 Call ECR_TRACE("A table with abbreviation YYY already exists. Write/Erase test cannot be performed.", 1) From GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN Goto EXITPOINT Endif # Create YYYYY test table in SAFE X3 dictionary Trbegin [ATB] Read [ATB]CODFIC = "ATEXTE" [F:ATB]CODFIC = "YYYYY" [F:ATB]ABRFIC = "YYY" Write [ATB] For [ATZ] Where CODFIC = "ATEXTE" [F:ATZ]CODFIC = "YYYYY" Write [ATZ] Next For [ATI] Where CODFIC = "ATEXTE" [F:ATI]CODFIC = "YYYYY" Write [ATI] Next Commit # Call dictionary function to create table Call MAJFIC("YYYYY", nomap, 2) From VALDIC Return ####################################################################### ## End of CREATETESTTABLE subprogram ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ## Write test subprogram ####################################################################### $WRITETEST Call ECR_TRACE("Execute atomic copy loop from ATEXTE to YYYYY for " - num$(TSTNBREC) - "records:", 0) From GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE("- Start:" - time$, 0) From GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN STARTMSECS = val(timestamp$) STARTTIME = time N1 = 0 Local File ATEXTE [ATX] Local File YYYYY [YYY] Trbegin [YYY] For [F:ATX] [F:YYY] = [F:ATX] Write [F:YYY] N1 += 1 If N1 >= TSTNBREC Break Endif Next Commit ENDTIME = time ENDMSECS = val(timestamp$) DIFFTIME = ENDTIME - STARTTIME DIFFMSECS = ENDMSECS - STARTMSECS Call ECR_TRACE("- End :" - time$ - "-" - num$(N1) - "records created in" - num$(DIFFTIME) - "secs /" - num$(DIFFMSECS) - "msecs.", 0) From GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN Return ####################################################################### ## End of WRITETEST subprogram ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ## Erase test subprogram ####################################################################### $ERASETEST N1=0 Call ECR_TRACE("Execute atomic erase loop on table YYYYY:", 0) From GESECRAN Call ECR_TRACE("- Start:" - time$, 0) From GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN STARTMSECS = val(timestamp$) STARTTIME = time Trbegin [YYY] For [ATX] # 11/04/2015 - Added 'Hint Key "NUMERO"' according to Frederick Sussan's advice for V7 Read [F:YYY]NUMERO = [F:ATX]LAN;[F:ATX]NUMERO Hint Key "NUMERO" If fstat = 0 Delete [F:YYY] Else Break Endif N1 += 1 If N1 >= TSTNBREC Break Endif Next ENDTIME = time ENDMSECS = val(timestamp$) DIFFTIME = ENDTIME - STARTTIME DIFFMSECS = ENDMSECS - STARTMSECS Call ECR_TRACE("- End :" - time$ - "-" - num$(N1) - "records erased in" - num$(DIFFTIME) - "secs /" - num$(DIFFMSECS) - "msecs.", 0) From GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN #### Verify that all is properly erased Delete [F:YYY] Where 1 = 1 If adxdlrec > 0 Call ECR_TRACE("Something went wrong in table YYYYY erase job:" - num$(adxdlrec) - "records found.", 1) From GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN Endif Commit Return ####################################################################### ## End of ERASETEST subprogram ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ## Delete test table subprogram ####################################################################### $DELETETESTTABLE #### Cleanup SAFE X3 tables dictionary from YYYYY table references #### We should there cleanup table in database but I don't know how to do it #### Call ECR_TRACE("Delete test table YYYYY:", 0) From GESECRAN Call FLUSH_TRACE from GESECRAN Trbegin [ATB] Delete [ATB] Where CODFIC = "YYYYY" Delete [ATZ] Where CODFIC = "YYYYY" Delete [ATI] Where CODFIC = "YYYYY" Commit Return ####################################################################### ## End of ERASETEST subprogram ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ## End of ZXIOBENCH_V2 program #######################################################################